Volunteers, Internships, and Donors
The Hartville Migrant Ministry is a small 501(c)(3) organization that relies heavily on support from community members and partners. We’re always looking for help, whether that be in the form of time, talent or treasure. No gift or commitment is too small – we appreciate your assistance no matter what!

We are always looking for volunteers to help facilitate programs and assist with the every day operations of the center. Volunteers make the Hartville Migrant Ministry possible! If interested in joining our team, please inquire below. You may also contact our Volunteer Coordinator at hmcvolunteercoord@gmail.com for more information.
"The connections you make with your coworkers and especially with the migrant community is so something so special. HMM has made a lasting impact on me - I will forever cherish my time here!"
- Allie chappel, intern
"The Hartville Migrant Ministry's financial success comes from a dedicated donor base. We wouldn't be able to provide all of our services to the migrant community without these resources."
- harvey wagner, treasurer
The Hartville Migrant Center offers both paid and unpaid internships to college students and recent graduates. These internships provide students with hands-on experiences, preparing them for their future career aspirations.
There are no internships available at this time. Please check back come late winter/early spring.

We are able to offer high-quality programs and services to our migrant community because of your generosity. A large portion of our funding comes from individuals and congregations. If you or your church/organization are interested in making a donation, click below!
Don’t want to give online? Mail us a check or cash donation at PO Box 682 Hartville, OH 44632
In-Kind Donations
Occasionally we ask for In-Kind donations to help support our migrant families. We do not accept clothing items or any items that have been heavily used or worn. Below is a current list of items needed. Please call the center at 330-877-2983 and we can coordinate a time to pick up/receive your donation, thank you!
Kitchenware: New saucepans, frying pans, baking sheets and baking dishes
Hospitality Bags
Each May, the center provides welcome bags for migrants and their families as they return to Hartville for the growing season. Welcome bags consist of bedding, toiletries and other necessities. Also, each August the center provides school supplies for all children ages K-12. If interested in donating, please revisit this webpage or check our social medias come early spring, 2024.

All donations are 501(c)(3) tax deductible and a letter of acknowledgement highlighting the amount of your donation will be sent to you at the mailing or email address attached to your donation.